National Science Foundation’s Engineering Research Centers
FIU is proud to be participating in three of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Engineering Research Centers (ERC). The goal of the ERC Program is to integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform national prosperity, health, and security. ERCs create an innovative, inclusive culture in engineering to cultivate new ideas and pursue engineering discovery that achieves a significant science, technology, and societal outcome within the 10-year time frame of NSF support. FIU is currently involved in the following projects:
The Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) develops and employs nano-enabled energy harvesting, energy storage, nanodevices and sensors to create innovative battery-free, body-powered, and wearable health monitoring systems. The mission of the project is to use nanotechnology to improve global health by enabling correlation between personal health and personal environment and by empowering patients and doctors to manage wellness and improve quality of life. FIU’s partners include Pennsylvania State University and the University of Virginia, led by North Carolina State University.
The Precise Advanced Technologies and Health Systems for Underserved Populations (PATHS-UP) focuses on the development of affordable technological devices and advanced engineered systems providing improved healthcare for underserved populations. Along with FIU and lead by Texas A&M University, the partners includes the University of California at Los Angeles and Rice University.
The Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Cellular Metamaterials (CELL-MET) aims to transform cardiovascular care by combining breakthroughs in nanotechnology and manufacturing with tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, while also developing areas of expertise in education, diversity, administration, and outreach. CELL-MET is lead by Boston University partnered with FIU and the University of Michigan. Affiliated institutions include Harvard Medical School, Columbia University, the Wyss Institute at Harvard, Argonne National Laboratory, the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, and the Centro Atómico Bariloche/Instituto Balseiro in Argentina.